Isolated Broken Heart Concept

Heartbroken Open Mic

A place to name the truth of what hurts &

to repair disconnection with ourselves and others.

About Heartbroken Open Mic

Heartbroken Open Mic is a facilitated, healing space and the first trauma-informed, somatically-aware open mic of its kind.

It is a place to repair separation and disconnection, with ourselves and with each other.

At Heartbroken Open Mic we turn towards ourselves and our heartbreak.

We allow ourselves to be held and witnessed by others. We are present with the truth of what is in this moment.

One truth is this: we will continue to engage with what's familiar until we're able to name the ways it has or continues to hurt us.

We will continue to accept what's familiar until we change our relationship with it; until we change our relationship with ourselves.

Join us as we engage in the courageous act of naming what hurts and changing ourselves in the process.

This space is not exclusively queer, but is absolutely queer/trans-friendly.

About Grey Doolin

Heartbroken Open Mic is held and facilitated by Grey Doolin, M.Ed. (they/them pronouns). Grey is a queer- and trans-identified teacher, writer, musician, and space holder. They teach queer and trans folks the relational skills necessary to create connected, nourishing community.

A radically authentic and rigorous visionary, Grey is a spiritual seeker and devotee of their healing path. They have a master’s degree in Counseling and 6 years of PhD-level training as a therapist. They are a student of parts work, somatics, and nonviolent communication and bring the values and practices of these modalities into their beingness and work in the world.

They created and emceed the wildly successful Queerspeak Open Mic in Madison, WI. They believe that our relationship with our own bodies, hearts, and experiences sets the tone for all other relating in our lives.

You can find more of their work on Instagram and Substack.

Photo by Abi Sutcliffe Photography , LLC

Upcoming event dates

May 22 - 7pm CDT at Open Book in Minneapolis

Join us in person for May’s open mic event. For more information and to register ahead of the event, click here.


“The open mic was a great experience - the openness of everyone there to whatever happened, kindness and caring expressed, willingness to be present in the space and to take in whatever unfolded. Everyone who wanted to share something was welcomed to do so.” ~Heartbroken Open Mic attendee

“I liked the co-focus on checking in with body and feelings. First three pieces presented hit me very squarely in a few of my own past trauma experiences. The host reminding us to pay attention to ourselves. Hearing the stories from others with similarities to mine was a powerful few moments.” ~Heartbroken Open Mic attendee

“I love being in queer community. I love that there was buy-in and committment to creating a supportive, judgment free space where folks could perform and share what was on their hearts. Such a beautiful, tender, special place for the queers. And Grey!!! They did such an amazing job facilitating and holding space for us all. Thank you Grey!” ~Heartbroken Open Mic attendee


Q: Is there a cost to attend?

A: Tickets are available at three levels: $45 - Supporting Community rate; $25 - Standard rate; $10 - Community Supported rate. If cost is absolutely a barrier for you, please reach out to me via DM on Facebook or email

Register for the event ahead of time or pay at the door.

Q: How do I sign up if I want to perform?

A: Sign up at the door; sign-up is first-come, first-served with only 8 slots available. There is a waiting list in case we have additional time for more performers.

Q: What type of performance is allowed?

A: Whatever wants to be expressed. Poetry, essay, song, interpretative dance. You bring it.

Q: How long does each performer have?

A: Set limit is 5-7 minutes. (You will be lovingly contained, so please time/practice what you’re going to share.)

Q: Where can I learn more about the accessibility of the event space?

A: Visit Open Book's website here:

Q: What makes this open mic trauma-informed?

A: This open mic is trauma-informed because there’s an awareness that all of us have bodies with nervous systems, and that our nervous systems are carrying many collective traumas + individual traumas unique to our lives and lineages.

It’s trauma-informed because there’s an awareness that given the unique makeup of our bodies and nervous systems, that each of us will respond to stimuli in our environment in different ways, depending on what our bodies might find enlivening, overwhelming, or threatening.

This awareness informs the intentions and commitments that are the foundation of the space.

Q: What makes this open mic somatically-aware?

A: Our experiences–both past and present–live in our bodies; each present moment consists of sensations moving through the body. Becoming aware of those sensations is the beginning of being in relationship with them. The foundation of this open mic is about relationship.

The open mic will be interspersed with moments of checking in with our bodies and relating to them, facilitated by Grey. This might look like shaking things out, movement, pausing to allow something we just witnessed settle into our bodies, and joining our collective voices together.

Attendees will be encouraged to care for their bodies and selves as needed throughout the event.

Q: What’s the AV set up?

A: There are two standing mics available and the ability to play a backing track over the sound system. If you plan to use a backing track, please send it to Grey ahead of the event.

Q: Can I attend and just listen?

A: Absolutely. The role of the listener and witness is just as important in holding and creating the space as those performing. I’ve also seen it happen multiple times where someone attends an event as just a listener and ends up performing towards the end of the event if we have extra space or attends a future event feeling ready to perform. Listen to your body; it will tell you what level of engagement feels best. Honoring our capacity is a huge part of healing.

Q: What if someone shares something that triggers me?

A: This might happen given the content that is often shared in this space. I don’t require performers to give content warnings, but they may choose to do so. As the facilitator, I’m committed to creating a container of care rather than a “safe space.” I believe safety lives in our bodies, not outside of us. At Heartbroken Open Mic, we relate to everything that arises for us, including triggers.

Q: I’d like to bring Heartbroken Open Mic to my city, organization, event. How can I do that?

A: Amazing! Let’s connect and talk details. Send an email to

Q: I have a question that you didn’t address here.

A: Send me a DM with your question on Instagram or an email to